What I'm advocating is that we allow each other to live by our own belief systems and with our own consciences, as long as they don't actively infringe on each other. That, to me, is the essence of civil society.
I agree with you, and I truly only take hard stances on things when I think there is a high moral imperative. To that end, while I am here arguing against gay marriage, honestly it's not really a hot topic for me, and while I'll be dissapointed if/when it happens, I'm not going to view it as the end of the world. I understand the viewpoint of the otherside and feel like there's not much of a good resolution.

Abortion is another story, and honestly a topic I've tried to aviod debating here. But since it's been brought up several times in this thread, I suppose I'll give in this once. I feel very strongly that we are dealing with an innocent life, and to me that demands government protection. But it all comes down to that one premise; I totally understand that if we are not talking about a life, then the right to choice is absolute and the mother's rights should not be infringed. Regarding your argument of a humane mercy termination, I couldn't support that, but I understand what you're saying.

I think it is absolutely terrible, though, that anti-abortion legilation (such as dealing with partial birth abortions) has not make exceptions for the health of the mother. I can say, without a doubt, if it were my wife's life on the line or our unborn child, I'd choose her and feel it was the right thing to do since you're talking about one life verse another.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.