I honestly don’t have family members who are homosexuals, but I do have family members who have done other things that I consider to be sinful. An example is my sister who was living with her boyfriend. I consider this as much a sin as homosexual behavior. She knew that, recognized that we had different stands on the issue, and we moved on. She and her boyfriend were always welcome in our home and I never treated them differently because of my beliefs. When she became pregnant, I was one of the people she turned to for support when many in my family made life very difficult for her. We have a mature enough relationship that we can disagree with each other's choices on moral grounds and still be great friends.

Ok, I have to bite on this, not because you brought your sister into the discussion, but because you have (at least) twice now generalised homosexuality into a sin and opined from that position.

Would you support a change in your state's Constitution that would ban 'living in sin'? What about a change in the US Constitution? If a presidential candidate campaigned on such a platform would it make you more likely to vote for him?

What about a constitutional change to enforce marriage where pregnancy is concerned? After all, it would prevent further sin. Would you support a candidate who espoused this position?
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