I think Obama has done more than he's getting credit for, but I agree that I wish so much more had been done. That's basically the takeaway I had after the interview with Jon Stewart before the rally, which was great.

I'm pretty disillusioned these days. I don't have faith in the Democrats to stick to their guns, and I have fear of the Republicans (which is what they want, so it's working). And unfortunately, it's looking like if there's a third party, it's going to be the tea party, and that terrifies me.

Anyway, I'm going to stick my head back in this sand over here. I'll vote for who I want, it won't make much of a difference, and my rights will get trampled or they won't. In the meantime I hope I make enough money to live comfortably, don't get sicker than I can afford, and hope that the internet stays free and open.