I agree 100%, and this is something I'm VERY sensitized to. I am not looking for political candidates to talk about faith. In fact, if someone spends a lot of time talking about faith, it makes me think they are trying to get away with something.

When people start talking about faith in a weird context, I start hearing alarm bells. For instance, I went on a job interview where the first thing out of the guys mouth was "This is a Christian based company" when nothing before that in my understanding of the company had anything to do with Christianity. It put me on guard, and rightfully so- the company turned out to be very sleazy.

I am perfectly happy to vote for a non-Christian over a Christian if I think the non-Christian will do a better job. In the case of Obama vs. McCain, my understanding that both were stated Christians anyway, so it wasn't really an issue (I didn't delve into that subject much, as I'd gotten so jaded by that point I wasn't really going to trust anything I found anyway).

Another short anecdote, I remember my wife and I, for some dumb reason, went to a time-share presentation. When we declined, they brought on the high pressure guy. He saw a cross around my wife's neck and immediately started using that as a bridge building point. He told us about the well known church he went to (whose doctrine and beliefs are very close to what my wife and I believe) and asked about our faith. It grated me because I knew he was only trying to gain our trust to push the hard sell. When he got to that point, I told him that I did not appreciate him trying to push us so hard to make a large financial obligation we couldn't afford, especially without giving us time to to pray about it. A Christian brother would certainly hold the well-fare of a fellow believer (and truly, a non-believer as well) above his desire to push a sale. He quickly sent us on our way after that.

I don't like it when people expect me to chose them over someone more qualified simply because we share a faith. When they do that, it makes me think perhaps we do not share a faith after all. It offends my sense of rightness.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.