Just finished up merging GpsApp with a newer version of Roadmap and also adding a fun new feature. There is now a an additional info screen in RoadmapGpsApp that will tell you your current City,State,County and Address Block and also the Sunrise and Sunset time for your area. I for one am excited about the Address block display, it should be much better than squinting at buildings looking for numbers.

The install instructions have changed because of some differences with the new version of RoadMap. Mainly it requires you to make a symbolic link from /usr/share/roadmap to /drive0/roadmap where you installed all the roadmap files. This way you can throw all your Roadmap files in one directory.
Also, since apparently the Empeg does not define the Timezone in any known place you have to put your GMT timezone offset in the preferences file for the Sunrise/sunset calculation to be right.

Download it here

One other note: The new version of Roadmap supports voice announcements when you approach intersections, if you put flite in your /bin directory it should thereotically play them. Unfortunately the flite binary that was linked on this board seems to be gone, anyone know where to find one?