No problems going from alpha3 to alpha5, it reuses the same database.

But if the database is not already there.. it is unable to build a new one:

allocating_buffer_pool.cpp: 49:sizeof(BufferEntry) = 32
allocating_buffer_pool.cpp: 50:sizeof(BlockEntry) = 16
player.cpp : 569:empeg-car 3.00-alpha5 2003/12/24.
! tags.cpp : 61:Failed to open tags (0xc0041002).
! memory_stream.cpp : 42:MemoryStream failed to allocate memory.
! tunedb_disk.cpp : 878:Failed to build database. Bad. 0xc007000e
! fidfile_disk.cpp :1167:Why did write return zero for offset=0, size=0?
! fidfile_disk.cpp :1167:Why did write return zero for offset=0, size=0?

So, for now, use upgrader to install v3alpha3, rebuild the database, then use upgrader again to install v3alpha5. Then play with it!


Edited by mlord (24/12/2003 15:30)