I finally have my empeg up and running software version 3.0a5. It was running alpha3 for quite some time without problems.

After installing the new alpha version the player always crashed (seg fault) while selecting another playlist. First I thought the problem is the know problem that this version is not able to create database. But reinstalling alpha3 and rebuilding the database did not solve the problem. (alpha3 worked, alpha5 don’t)

The solution was to reduce the cache the player software uses. I originally used the setting resevercache=16, for the alpha5 I have to use the setting resevercache=8.
Seems the new alpha consumes more resources for cache and playlists. I experienced this with my MK2 Player (12MB RAM) and about 5000 songs loaded.

Also I notice the following changes since alpha3:
- Definitely better sound quality (at least with my sound system)
- Beeps does not seems to work anymore
- Pitchbend is delayed by about 3 seconds
- Player seems to consume more memory (see above)

But thanks anyway for releasing software for a long discontinued product!