The position I really think is poorly thought-out is that of Germany. The other countries, no matter their stance, have left themselves room to negotiate. Germany has painted themselves into a corner by stating they will not support war, even if there is a UN resolution. Hence, nobody cares much what Germany thinks since they don't have room to manuever. With France, on the other hand, a lot of effort is being put into convincing them to change their minds and the U.S. is letting them lead us around by the noses with their demands for more time and more diplomacy. If France had just said "no war under any circumstances," Iraq would already have been invaded.

Granted, France does have a veto on the security council and Germany does not, but I think if Germany had left themselves room to negotiate, the world would pay more attention to them now, whereas if France had ruled out war, they (and the UN) would already have been made irrelevant. Schroder just wanted to win reelection, no matter the costs to his country.
