I appreciate your zeal but your throwing an awful lot of people into the same category. Opposing gay marriage doesn't make someone a gay bashing fundamentalist. Lets take a few of the above statements and I'll show you what I mean.

1. Religion has a pretty good claim as definer of marriage. Marriage is documented as a religious institution far before organized government comes on the scene. Then you also have to deal with the fact that overwhelmingly people still turn to religion to conduct marriage services. Notice I've said nothing of Christianity... only religion. Most of the dominant world religions forbid homosexuality. If the US was predominantly Muslim the same arguments would be raised against homosexual marriage.
2. Civil Unions don't upset most religious people. I have no desire to keep people from getting proper health care. I also recognize the need of the state to protect the rights of individuals taken advantage of in the dissolution of relationships even if I don't agree with the relationships to begin with. Civil Union statutes could easily deal with these issues.
3. Separate but Equal references fall bitterly short. If I was a black man and I heard a homosexual make the comparison, I would be livid. The two populations have almost nothing in common. Homosexuals have never been counted as 1/8th of a person in the census. Homosexuals have never been forced to pick someone elses food. Homosexuals have never been forced into separate schools by the government and then forced to integrate through busing and picket lines. Homosexuals in short have no claim to that sort of rhetoric and should be ashamed of any claims of similarity between their position and the plight of African Americans prior to the 1960's.

I do not for a moment mean to say that all Christian or even religious people are as open minded as I am. There will always be those that desire homosexuals to be berated and treated as second rate citizens. However using the term "marriage" forces me to disagree with any legistaltion that I might otherwise support. If homosexual rights groups used any term other than marriage it would take nearly all the wind out of the sails of there opposition.
-Michael West