I have a very direct interest in this situation. The lives of me, my partner, and our collective family are directly impacted. It's personal, and I take it very personally when people who have no direct stake in the issue want to use their religious beliefs to override mine.

Dan, my last post was a response before your edit. While it still holds, I'd like to address this issue a little more personally since I've been speaking pretty generally.

If my religious beliefs are true, then whtever the law says doesn't matter much. Actually, the truth affects you even if I don't believe it. If they aren't true then you're right to ignore my concerns. The only thing that trumps religious belief is the truth.

I don't think that my beliefs should trump yours as far as the law is concenred. What the government should be interested in is making sure you and I have equal opportunity for health care, to form the relationships we find fulfilling, and persue whatever we think will make us happy. I truly believe you and I should both have all of these things.

You and I are engaged in a fundamental difference of belief where the stakes are very personal and very high. I'm guessing that my beliefs are highly offensive to you (they would be if I were in your shoes), and there's probably nothing either of us can do about that. I only hope you can understand that I truly care about your well being and don't bear you ill will.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.