As others have said, there are combo units now that have DVR/DVD recording.

Personally though, I'd recommend a Replay TV 4500/5000. It has a few big things over the TiVo units that I enjoy.

1. Network show sharing. Couple this with a free PC program, and you can watch your shows on your computer, or use this to extract them, remove the commercials, and burn the show to DVD. And, this also allows you to store shows on your PC hard drives, and still play them back on the ReplayTV unit over the network.

2. Internet show sharing. Miss recording something for some reason? Head to and post a request, and watch as your Replay unit gets this show from their unit.

3. Commercial skip. Sure, TiVo allows you to fast forward, and many units have 30 second skip buttons. Mine, it skips 80% of the commercials automaticially without touching the remote. And there is PC software to read these markers, allowing for quicker DVD conversion.

Overall, from playing with a few TiVos now, I also appreciate the fast interface on my ReplayTV quite a bit. Seems all the cute sounds and animated interfaces on the TiVo slow it down quite a bit.