Where's the next British Invasion or Punk or Grunge or whatever to wash away this tripe?

Some people would argue that it's the return of "real" country and roots music -- the sort of music you heard in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou. Personally, I think it's all about fragmentation now, and it will be that way forever more. I somehow discovered old jazz music, and now that's my thing. A buddy of mine got into classical music, and now that's his thing. My fiancee is somehow mired in the world of 80's pop music, and she seems quite happy to stay there. Kids these days... I'm not really sure. Most of the ones I meet are also into old jazz music, but I'm pretty sure they're nowhere near a representative sample.

On my last European trip, I found that MTV Europe was playing far stranger and weirder material than you'd ever get over here. Maybe some of that has a hope. I don't think I'll ever quite wipe brain clear of Chicks on Speed's "We Don't Play Guitars". It was like flashing back to the early beginnings of MTV.