I find it terribly disturbing that you (as well as many others, it would seem) are are upset that a child would see an naked breast, but see nothing wrong with them enjoying a violent sport.

I'm not against football, exactly. I just think that it's pathetic to rail against "ghetto rappers" promoting their "pimps hos and heroin", but a sport with it's fair share of violent, drug-dealing, gun-toting, homicidal, and just downright stupid people is perfectly acceptable.

If you want "hos and heroin", you may need to start the search suburban-style; I like a lot of so called "ghetto/gangster rap", and I have yet to hear anyone glorify shooting H or getting AIDS from a ho'.

I'm not directing this only at you, Jerz. Honestly, the fact that anyone (here, on CNN, EVERYWHERE) would spend so much time discussing a friggin' nipple as if it were a terror attack makes me a bit embarrassed to be an american....