I find it terribly disturbing that you (as well as many others, it would seem) are are upset that a child would see an naked breast, but see nothing wrong with them enjoying a violent sport.

I wouldn't classify football as a violent sport. Sure, they run into each other a lot, but they all have PADS. Besides, he has the right to determine what his kids see, and you would not expect that kind of display at the Superbowl. I like boobies just as much as the next guy, but you have to look at the situation in context. Tasteful nude photography in a gallery is different than Justin saying "I'm gonna get you naked" and ripping off part of her bra. It's also not something you'd expect on NBC in prime time. Obviously our culture is more uptight about things than others, but there always has to be a transition process. Boobies on MTV? Yeah, you might expect that. On NBC during one of the most watched TV shows of the year... bad decision.

I'm not against football, exactly. I just think that it's pathetic to rail against "ghetto rappers" promoting their "pimps hos and heroin", but a sport with it's fair share of violent, drug-dealing, gun-toting, homicidal, and just downright stupid people is perfectly acceptable.

Football players don't glorify violence, drug-dealing, gun-toting or homicide. I can't really comment on stupidity. Rap constantly glorifies all of these things. I like some of it, I believe you can have all the freedom of speech you want. Just recognize the majority of it does promote pimps, hos and drug use, if not specifically heroin.

If you want "hos and heroin", you may need to start the search suburban-style; I like a lot of so called "ghetto/gangster rap", and I have yet to hear anyone glorify shooting H or getting AIDS from a ho'.

Now, now. Who said anything about AIDS? Don't put words into his mouth.

I'm not directing this only at you, Jerz. Honestly, the fact that anyone (here, on CNN, EVERYWHERE) would spend so much time discussing a friggin' nipple as if it were a terror attack makes me a bit embarrassed to be an american....

This discussion will last a week, the terror attack discussions will last for years. I don't think that's a fair comparison. The fact is our society is still in transition when it comes to nudity and sex. It's becoming less and less taboo, but you cannot expect total change overnight. Just look at what has happened in the past 10 years.
Mark Cushman