Yes! Pinky! Wow, didn't think of that one.

Button Guide - check, works fine, though when I search every so often the system stops responding for a bit and suddenly reboots (or does what appears to be a reboot). Probably a known issue.

Thanks for the tip WRT that part #. I'll check it out.

A metal bracket, eh? I was going to go get a piece of foam BUT .. yes, a bracket would be a good thing. I know where to attach it in the sled, natch, but where does the other end attach to? I don't see anywhere in there that it can go.

Paul suggested we drill holes for the mounting frame. I was wary 'cause I didn't see how they'd fit and let the unit slide in smoothly. Perhaps I just need really small screws, or use the ones that are on the factory unit and mounting frame?

That's another thing. I'm not even using that mounting frame. I'm using a plastic frame. But yeah - I'd love to use the original mounting frame if at all possible. Then I can put the original pocket back underneath it instead of the one that's part of this new plastic frame.

Good thing this car has MacPherson struts up front, but still ...

Another gotcha, as of this morning, no AM stations. But I know we had 'em last night. Just not today. FM is fine, but I somehow recall FM not really needing an antenna the way AM does (though an antenna in any case is obviously a good thing). I get faint reception in AM, but perhaps only one frequency out of the whole available spectrum.

Wow, a lot of new stuff to learn. Bring it on.
-- JD - SN# 040104008 (120GB Blue, Digital Out)