I know where to attach it in the sled, natch, but where does the other end attach to? I don't see anywhere in there that it can go.

Heh, answer below...

I was wary 'cause I didn't see how they'd fit and let the unit slide in smoothly. Perhaps I just need really small screws, or use the ones that are on the factory unit and mounting frame?

No you just need the screws to go from the inside-out, and they need low-clearance heads. See blurry pic of my Mk1 install (Mk2 was done similar) here.

But yeah - I'd love to use the original mounting frame if at all possible. Then I can put the original pocket back underneath it instead of the one that's part of this new plastic frame.

Which is where I connected the metal strap. Drilled a hole in the back of the pocket and bolted it to there.

I only did it because on my Mk2 I only drilled two holes on the sides of the sled. The Mk1 install (pictured above) did not require this stunt because I had drilled four holes on the sides of the sled and it was therefore rock-stable without a back strap. When I went to install the Mk2, I used different screws (the ones I had used on the Mk1 install had gotten stripped) and only had one pair of them, so I had to improvise.

Another gotcha, as of this morning, no AM stations. But I know we had 'em last night. Just not today. FM is fine, but I somehow recall FM not really needing an antenna the way AM does (though an antenna in any case is obviously a good thing). I get faint reception in AM, but not with much.

There is a known bug with the antenna amplifier line in 2.0b3, where it doesn't always activate the antenna amplifier. Assuming you've got everything wired correctly, it could be that. Also check the troubleshooting section of the FAQ and read up on all the tuner issues.
Tony Fabris