Crap, when I work in Photoshop, I've got one hand on the mouse and the other flying across the keyboard. As if Windows doesn't have enough shortcuts, Photoshop multiplies it by 100. My traditional hand-stance is the three fingered jockey on the Shift+Ctrl+Alt buttons.

Hehe, that's exactly what I'm like too. I can't tell you how annoyed I get by this situation: there's a program I use regularly, it involves having multiple windows open, and it doesn't follow the Windows shortcut of Ctrl+W. My biggest gripe with Paint Shop Pro is that it uses Ctrl+F4 to close individual images it has open. Did they not realize that this makes no sense? They've mixed Alt+F4 and Ctrl+W to make a very awkward "shortcut." I shouldn't have to move my hand much at all to hit a shortcut. I usually hit Alt+F4 with my thumb+middle finger, and Ctrl+W with my pinky+middle finger. Ctrl+F4 requires me to move my whole arm in order to pull it off with one hand.

Phew! Sorry, had to vent. I love PSP, but this is the only thing that irritates me about it.