I'm looking for a universal mail checker for OSX that will check Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo mail accounts, and notify me.

Well, OS X is Unix, and there are a ton of programs out there that will suck mail down from Yahoo and Hotmail. GMail can be forwarded elsewhere, and also allows POP, so any normal POP checker should work with it.

Specifically, I use FetchYahoo and Hotwayd (with fetchmail) on my server to help users have all their mail on my service, while keeping their established e-mail addresses ay Yahoo and Hotmail. FetchYahoo just runs as a script, and Hotwayd runs as a service turning a Hotmail account into a POP accessible one. Both programs should allow redirection of e-mail to somewhere else, including a local file that Mail.app will be happy with.

While it may not be the exact answer you want, it may be a suggestion into a way of changing how you read your e-mail off these free services.

Oh, and random GMail hint. drakino+empegbbs @ gmail.com is a perfectly valid address. It seems GMail uses the + to allow the creation of throwaway addresses. If I didn't already have this on my own server, I'd be very tempted by that to move to GMail.