Most of them probably also use Ctrl-W, but I think that's a more recent one popularized by Netscape, honestly.

I think this mostly came from the Mac side, where Apple-Q quits programs, and Apple-W closes windows.

Oh, Tony, quick spelling checker hint for Safari, right or control click a form, go to Spelling, and turn on "Check Spelling as You Type". That will be saved in Safari preferences and turn on the red underline for mis spelled lines. I'm not sure why that isn't on by default like it seems to be in every other text area in the OS.

Also, you can right click any word anywhere and get Search in Google, Spotlight, or a dictionary lookup. In the dictionary application preferences, you can set the popup to be a little tab that open from the word instead of being in a seperate window.

http://macosxhints.com/ is a great hints site for all kinds of things that I try to eyebal at least once a week.