I'm watching it because I put in enough time to start the thing off I'm determined to follow through even if it stinks to high hell. I wouldn't feel right about making comments with regards to its crapitude unless I had some experience with said stink-fest.

24 could easily be saved at the start of any given season. They already throw out all but bits of previous seasons. They need to:

1. move the story line out of LA. - perhaps move it outside the US (i'd love a season set at least partially on foreign soil)
2. drop CTU from the whole season
3. include Keifer's Jack Bauer character in the majority of scenes (right now it's like he's in a supporting role only)
4. get rid of all the sub-stories. We need only 1 good story with a little side action at most.
5. fire all the current people responsible for writing dialogue.
6. don't ever (not ever again) let Powers Booth in front of a camera.
7. drop the 5 minute recap at the start of each episode - it eats too much air time.
8. scale down the threat level - not every season needs to be about saving the whole country/world.
9. start paying attention to the original real-time concept again (currently it's out the window).
10. stop using the phrase "within the hour"
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