Because you're driving after you've had a drink.

Yup, more more sensible and truthful than the other way.

As long as you're willing to ignore the fact that "drink" is not an adjective.

That's what bugs me about it. sn00p, if it were "drink-driving" as you wrote it, I think it would be a little better.

Besides, I'm not sure I agree with that reasoning. Aren't both terms used to describe when you are legally over the limit to drive? We're talking about an official level of "drunk," not how many drinks you tell people it takes to get you wasted.

Maybe you should have indicated that it was the incorrect use of grammar that bugged you, that wasn't how I read your post. I assume Mark also interpreted your post the same way as me.

And yes, it's drink-driving, but you didn't write that in your orginal post, I copied what you wrote verbatim.

I still believe drink-driving is a far more accurate term to describe the offence, but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

Edit: This sounds abrupt, sorry, not trying to be - but can't find the words to make it sound less so! Apologies in advance.

Edited by sn00p (31/07/2006 13:39)