Originally Posted By: hybrid8
I'm not paying any recurring fees for TV right now and I'm loving it. The PVR is working overtime as everything network is now recorded in HD (OTA).

I guess I really could do that myself. I watch far fewer cable shows than stuff I could get OTA. But I don't think the Series 3 Tivo can do dual tuner OTA, can it?

Bitt, I totally agree about Community. I think it's hilarious and very clever. I particularly like the episode enders over the credits with Troy and Abed. I just found out that the guy who plays Troy wrote for 30 Rock, so that gives me more respect for him, as I think that show has some of the best comedy writing on TV.

I'm thrilled to see that there are several people on here who like Supernatural. That show has always been FAR better than it ought to be, and never gets any publicity at all (and, sadly, the ratings have been so low I'm stunned it's still on the air). I had zero expectations going into it, based on every single person involved having done stuff I hated: Jensen Ackles was awful on Smallville, Jared Padelecki was on Gilmore Girls and I wasn't a fan, and McG...well...he's friggin' McG need I say more?

But the show surprised me like none other that I can think of. It's the best horror that primetime networks have ever produced, the relationship between the two brothers drives the show, and the entire production and story writing are all top notch. And to top it all off, I'm amazed at how hilarious the show can get. Every season there are 2 or 3 episodes that are flat out hysterical, mostly playing off previous events and characters in the show.

For those of you in this thread who wait until shows have run their course, definitely check this one out soon. All signs point to this being the last season, mostly because they've kicked the story up to the highest notch it can logically go to. From what I've heard, the actors have contracts that go through next season, but they probably won't go past this one.

While I'm at it, if it's finished shows on DVD that you're after, here's my favorites, pretty much in my order of preference:

6- Arrested Development [sitcoms don't make you think, Bruno? you really have to pay attention when you watch this one if you want to get all the phenomenally good jokes and season-old call-backs]
5- Freaks & Geeks [this show is so unbelievably great it pains me to put this so far down the list]
4- Veronica Mars [the third season wasn't great, but the first couple are fantastic - best father-daughter relationship on TV I've ever seen (though sadly you don't see that many)]
3- Buffy/Angel/Firefly [three-way tie]
2- Carnivale [easily the best cinematography of any show I've ever seen on TV (also the best intro) - extremely slow to develop but worth every minute]
1- Avatar: The Last Airbender [the true Avatar - it's a Nick cartoon, but DO NOT let that stop you - try to get at least 6 episodes in]

Seriously though, check out Avatar. It starts out a bit too childish, but after that I think the show creators found their footing and got full control of the show, and it's simply wonderful. I also give them credit for setting out with an episode number limit. They wanted to make a three-season epic story, and succeeded on every level. The heart of the show, though, lies in its character development and warmth of spirit. The show just makes me happy, and I love spending time with those characters. That's what has made me watch it three times through.