Damn, that was easier than I thought. This isn't the original interview I read, so it must be mentioned numerous times and you should be able to find additional references.

Interview from 2006 with Tim Kring:



iF MAGAZINE: You were not a comic book fan per say so where did HEROES come from?

TIM KRING: I'm aware enough about the comic book world to be interested in it; I, myself, just didn't have a background in it. But again, I watched a couple of movies last year that influenced me, one of them being THE INCREDIBLES, I had this sort of epiphany of the idea of very ordinary people waking up and discovering they have these extraordinary abilities. When you think about where an idea comes from you can't always trace it back to a single moment; it's sometimes an amorphous moment that is floating around in your head for a period of time.
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