Originally Posted By: dbrashear
I got mine at 9:01am in Pittsburgh, 24th in line, opening day. At 9:35 it finished activating and I left smile

Things I want:
-hwpen updated for 2.0
-bluetooth keyboard
-bluetooth a2dp (i have been poking at frameworks trying to figure out what might be done here; don't want a fob)
-bluetooth obex
-better tethering than socks.
-streaming wma (though i will probably work on that this week)

It's nice as a replacement for my old phone. It's not good as a replacement for my Treo, yet.

Also, I got a small scratch in my screen; I might learn about polishing glass frown

The bluetooth tethering is disappointing. I am working on getting the kernel so I can look at loadable modules. After poking at ffmpeg I discovered that vlc4iphone does windows media audio streams, so I don't need to worry about that: I can have CD101 on the iPhone.